Brooks Brothers is having one of their better sales I’ve seen in a while. At the moment, you can take $200 off any order over $500 (or $100 off any order over $300) with the checkout code BCSP15.
The sale is notable for a few reasons. First, it applies to everything – including items that are normally excluded from promotions, such as shell cordovan and Edward Green shoes. Second, unless you’re purchasing a suit, you can count on a bigger discount than you’d otherwise get through their 25% off Friends and Family sale. Add to that free shipping and things get pretty nice.
This would be a good time to pick up a pair of their higher-end shoes, which are typically made by either Crockett & Jones or Alden. I particularly like these unlined chukkas, suede cap-toe boots, and lightweight tie loafers. I also use these shell cordovan boots all the time during the fall and winter months, as they go well with just about anything.
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